Driver's FAQ's

Become your own boss.


Download the app or fill in the driver registration form. You will need to upload your driver’s license, the vehicle insurance, the registration form (if requested by your state). We will process a background check. We will get back to you in two or three business days. Once approved, you are good to hit the road and become your own boss. We recommend that you always keep your car clean and become a regular customer at the local car wash. They will not only give you discounts on washing your car but also suggest some brilliant ways you can keep your car smelling fresh throughout the day.

Always be courteous to the customer. Greet them, ask them how they are doing. Respect them if you feel like they do not want to engage in a conversation. Never ask for a tip, instead, concentrate on giving the customer the best riding experience you can provide, and it will not be too hard for them to give you a fat tip.

Giving a ride to some unruly teenagers or a fighting couple may cost you more than the fare they were going to give you. You don’t want to end up with a damaged car just because you wanted a few dollars. Anytime you feel uncomfortable with the people you are driving, let them know and drop them off.

The back seats are indicated for the best driving experience. However, if a passenger insists on sitting next to you in the car, don’t insult them by refusing. Engage them in a lively conversation. Sometimes, customers see talking to complete stranger about their problems as therapeutic.

Yes, driver has choice between delivery or passengers’ transport.

With T-Ride, the amount of money drivers make a day depends on their commitment to their job, their driving skills and attitude with their passengers. However, according to federal regulations, T-Drivers cannot work more than twelve hours a day.